Thanks for all the input! GWJ3 Posts: 27 Joined: 16. If not I will just hope that VirtualBox somehow / magically has changed to automatically download the new Guest addition to go along with the updated version of VirtualBox. I hope this longer explanation will help you understand my issue. Today after installing the newest version when I came into the Host Windows 7 System and clicked on the Devices Tab and selected " insert Guest Addition CD Image" nothing happens. A window would automatically pop up and ask if I wanted to install the new Gest Addition and I would simply answer Yes and the new Guest addition would be downloaded from the internet. The Guest Additions Setup Wizard will start automatically. If not, right-click on VBoxWindowsAdditions and select Run as administrator. When you double-click the CD drive, the installer may start automatically.

Bring up Windows File Manager > Select 'This PC' and you should see the CD Drive with the inserted ISO. Go to My Computer (This PC in Windows 10) and open the Guest Additions CD drive under the Devices and drivers section. I would do this by clicking on the Devices Tab and selecting " Insert Guest Additions CD Image" I did not actually insert a CD. When you 'insert' the Guest Additions you should get a pop-up prompt in the bottom right-hand side of the Windows 10 Desktop asking what you want to do, but this doesn't hang around long and is easy to miss.

In the past when I updated VirtualBox and then opened my Host Windows 7 System a message would pop up that I needed to install the new Guest Addition. I may have to give up on this and simply accept the change.